Yuliia Lytvyn and Oleksandra Horilova, the third-year students, who study in the specialty 072 «Finances, Banking and Insurance», took part in the II Scientific and Practical Conference «Prospects for the development of the new economy at the global, state and regional levels» under the guidance of Iryna Sievidova, Professor of the Department of Legal Support of Economic Activity of the Faculty № 6 (law and mass communications), Doctor of Economic Sciences. The event was organized by the publishing house «Young Scientist».

The students prepared abstracts on the topic «The concept of «corporate conflict» as an element of economic security». Based on the results of the conference, the collection of materials was published, which has all the necessary attributes: codes of ISBN, UDC, Library-Bibliographical Classifications. An obligatory copies were also sent to the Institute of Bibliography and to the main scientific libraries of Ukraine.

All conference materials are posted by the reference: URL: http://molodyvcheny.in.ua/files/conf/eko/44sept2020/30.pdf.