An online meeting of the student scientific circle of the Department of Legal Support of Economic Activity of the Faculty No. 6 was held under the leadership of Yuliia Kyrychenko. The meeting was attended by 2-nd year students - members of the scientific circle of the Department of Legal Support of Economic Activity, who study at the Faculty No. 6 in specialty “Law Enforcement Activity”, master's student Yana Kolomoiets and representatives of the Department: Professor Alina Chorna, Associate Professors Oleksii Shumilo, Valentyna Zhornokui, Iryna Siadrysta.

Reports at the meeting were made by Anna Pustovietova “Problematic aspects of legal regulation of tax exemption in Ukraine”, Yuliia Borodina “On the problem of financial control in Ukraine”, Iryna Kasian “Problematic aspects of the tax militia as a subject of financial investigations”, Asmik Khachaturian “Acquisition of the status of resident and non-resident of foreigners and stateless persons”, Yana Kolomoiets “Owner's right to use water within the land plot”.
Supervisors Alina Chorna and Oleksii Shumilo noted that the work carried out by students independently was performed at the appropriate level, researches on selected issues are timely and relevant.
It was decided to recognize the submitted materials as scientific reports, take into account these comments and prepare abstracts for participation in scientific and practical conferences of students, graduate students and young scholars, at the end
of the meeting of the scientific circle.