A representative of the Faculty No. 6 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs Oleksandr Shulhin, visited “Kupiansk Medical Vocational College named after Mariia Shkarletova”, where he talked to 3rd and 4th year students.

A representative of the university talked to Larysa Poiedintseva, the Deputy Director of the college and met with 3-4 year students. He spoke about the prospects, forms of study, the benefits of higher education at Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, the specialties in which students were taught at the Faculty No. 6. Oleksandr Shulhin also informed college students about new requirements of the admission campaign 2021, the peculiarities of bachelors and masters training. He noted that the university had a Department of Military Training, comfortable conditions for study and living of cadets and students in dormitories, scientific circles, sports sections, amateur art. During the conversation, the young people demonstrated the work of a forensic expert and gave young people the opportunity to try themselves in this role. Students were also shown an informational video about the university and provided informational materials about the university and faculties.