On the Eve of the New Year, the University library always received gifts from university teachers. Recently, Oleksandr Yukhno, Head of the Department of Criminal Procedure and Pre-trial Investigation of the Faculty № 1, presented the library with publications that will be useful to future specialists in the field of criminal procedure, scientific and pedagogical community and all those involved in
this issue:
"Application of precautionary measures in criminal proceedings: problems of theory and practice": monograph, ed. Fomina TG, 2020;
"Criminal process and criminology: current status and prospects": abstracts of reports of the scientific-practical conference (Kharkiv, 26 November 2020);
"Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine" (for 2015, 2018);
"Peculiarities of investigation of crimes related to illicit trafficking in narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances, their analogues, precursors, poisonous, potent substances, poisonous potent drugs using modern telecommunications and other technologies": scientific method. recommendations / Yukhno O.O, Matiushkova T.P, Hnusov Y.V and others, 2020;
"Peculiarities of documenting and investigating crimes committed on the territory of the joint forces operation, as well as on the temporarily occupied territories": scientific method. recommendations / Yukhno O.O., Kikinchuk V.V., Stepaniuk R.L. and others, 2020.
To all who study the latest trends in the development of jurisprudence in this direction, the library offers to get acquainted with the publications.