Faculty № 6 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs held a remote competition "Young Lawyer". The first stage of the Olympiad was overcome by 95 participants. According to the results of the answers, 14 contestants were admitted to the II stage, 13 of them successfully coped with the creative task (essay writing). 

Based on the results of the evaluation of the creative task, the professional jury chose the winner and prize-winners:

First place - Vladyslava Donchyk, a student of Kharkiv Gymnasium № 6 "Mariinsky gymnasium" of Kharkiv city council of Kharkiv region;
Second place - Oleksii Pavliuk, student of Kharkiv gymnasium № 6 "Mariinsky gymnasium" of Kharkiv city council of Kharkiv region;
Third place - Pylyp Kalinichenko, a student of Kharkiv secondary school I-III degrees № 105 Kharkiv City Council of Kharkiv region.
Three participants of the Olympiad whose works deserved attention were awarded in separate nominations:
- nomination "Point of View" - Oleksandr Zhoravovych, a student of Kharkiv private educational complex "Lyceum Professional" of Kharkiv region;
- nomination "Originality of thought" - Ruslan Pluharov, a student of Kharkiv Lyceum with enhanced military and physical training "Law Enforcement Officer" of Kharkiv Regional Council;
- nomination "Master of the word" - Anton Perederii, a student of Kharkiv specialized school of I-III degrees № 162 of Kharkiv city council of Kharkiv region.