The inspector of the Faculty № 3 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs Daria Balash Daria conducted career guidance work with students of 10th - 11th grades of Kupyansk comprehensive school of I-III grades № 4. While visiting the school, Darya Balash met with the school’s deputy principal Larysa Silaicheva and graduating students. Prospective graduates were interested in information about the benefits of higher education at Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, admission rules, forms of study, faculties and specialties. The representative of the university paid special attention to training at the Faculty № 3 (police units of preventive activities). They also talked about the peculiarities of training cadets and students, the preparation of bachelors and masters, work of the military department, scientific circles and sport sections, the living conditions in the dormitory.
Daria Balash introduced the students to the basic rules that you need to know and follow in order not to put yourself and others in danger when in extreme conditions. She also demonstrated several techniques that can be used for effective self-defense without special physical training.
High school students also watched an informative video about the University.