Traditionally, on St. Nicholas Day, the Rector of the University meets with orphan cadets and cadets, whose parents died, defending the independence of our state during conducting the Anti-terrorist operation - Operation Joint Forces. This year, the cadets received greetings on St. Nicholas Day, New Year and Christmas from the Rector of the University Valerii Sokurenko, the Vice-Rectors of the University Serhii Bortnyk, Anatolii Klochko, and the Deans of the Faculties No.No. 1–4 Oleksandr Muzychuk, Kostiantyn Harbuziuk, Anatolii Kolotik and Viacheslav Markov.

The home-administration of the University constantly keeps an eye on the issues related to social protection and support of cadets. Issues that arise in young people concerning learning and life situations are discussed during the meeting. Appealing to the youth, Valerii Vasylovych noted, that the main thing for them today is to acquire a profession, in order to feel confident in life, to build a successful career, to have a happy and close-knit family, faithful friends. “Everything depends on you, everything is in your hands - do not waste time, study, move forward, and everything will be fine in your life”, - the Rector emphasized. He also exhorted to remember their course mates, lecturers, home university, which gave a start in life, after graduation. The General stressed, that he is always open to communication on any issues, ready to help with good advice, and support in an important matter: “Let near you always will be as many people as possible, who wanted and could help you”.
The Vice-Rectors and Deans of the Faculties also addressed the youth with parting words.
On behalf of the cadets, Yurii Denysenko, the cadet of the Faculty No. 1,and Yehor Tkachenko, the cadet of the Faculty No. 4, thanked the Rector and all the staff of the University for their education and care.
St. Nicholas together with the creative team of amateur art of the University congratulated the attendees on the holiday, wished peace, well-being and harmony and presented gifts. Currently, 36 boys and girls are obtaining an education at the University, who have a status of “orphan”, and 6 cadets, whose parents died during conducting the Anti-terrorist operation - Operation Joint Forces.