On the initiative of Oleksii Shumilo, Associate Professor of the Department of Legal Support of Economic Activity of the Faculty No. 6, the repository of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs was supplemented with a manual in Romanian «Rolul organizațiilor neguvernamentale în domeniul formării și dezvoltării drepturilor omului: (Exemple de activism succesiv în domeniul protecției drepturilor omului) ».

The mentioned manual was prepared within the implementation and with the support of the European Union Program ERASMUS+ «European Human Rights Law for Universities of Ukraine and Moldova».
The manual provides theoretical and practical frameworks of functioning of non- governmental organizations, their basic doctrines and principles of activity.
Practical cases in the field of human rights activities of public associations are offered, examples of court cases in terms of understanding of human rights as directly applicable law.
The publication is intended for students, Master`s students, postgraduate, lecturers and everyone, who has a desire to study legal issues related to human rights, development of the human rights movement and human rights activism.
The mentioned manual is published in Romanian and Ukrainian: Șumilo, А. М. Rolul organizațiilor neguvernamentale în domeniul formării și dezvoltării drepturilor omului (exemple de activism succesiv în domeniul protecției drepturilor omului): manual / A. M. Şumilo, N. I. Kravciuk; Org. Obştească Ecologică Ucraineană „MAMA-86” (Ucraina), Org. Obştească „Centrul Republican „GUTTA-CLUB” (Rep. Moldova). – Chişinău: Cartea Militară (Tipogr. „Print-Caro”), 2019. – 228 p.
O. M. Shumilo, The role of non-governmental organizations in the formation and development of the human rights movement (examples of successful human rights activism): manual/ O. M. Shumilo, N. Yu. Kravchuk; Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine – Kyiv: sole proprietor О. О. Holembovska, 2018. – 227 p.
The library invites all, who are interested in this issue, to get acquainted with the publications.
The electronic versions of publications (the repository of KhNUIA) can be found:
