Liudmyla Ivanchenko, a lecturer of the cycle commission of philological disciplines of Kremenchuk Flight College of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, took part in the webinar “Master class on creating a lapbook. From idea to realization”. The event was hosted by Andrii Vainraukh, web designer of the “Vseosvita” project. 

He has created more than 100 methodological developments for teachers, experience in the field of web design for almost 5 years.
A lapbook is a handmade folder that combines different didactic materials combined into one theme and arranged in a certain structure. This form of work encourages students to study independently, helps to add creativity in teaching the subject and make interesting and clear even a very complex topic. The webinar demonstrated all the stages of creating lapbook, as well as considered the question: where does the idea come from; how to develop lapbook elements in Figma program; where to look for images and other components for the successful design of a

During the webinar, participants learned about the features of personal potential, the secrets of achieving a high level of energy, life hacks of development of strengths and leadership, as well as received practical advice on harmonious existence.
Kremenchuk Flight College of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs