Associate professors of the Department of Administrative Law and Procedure of the Faculty № 1 Police Colonel  Iryna Kazanchuk and Lieutenant Colonel of Police Valentyna Yatsenko took part in a four-day online school "Methods of teaching branch legal disciplines of the private law segment", conducted within the project "Improving legal and human rights education”, іmplemented by the OSCE Project Coordinator in Ukraine in cooperation with the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

The purpose of the school is to improve skills and knowledge of modern methods and organization of teaching private law disciplines to teachers; assisting teachers in adapting to the challenges of teaching private law disciplines related to the growing role of distance education, especially during quarantine restrictions; preparation for the educational process in the conditions of new legal standards, which are introduced in the process of reform of higher legal education. Experienced trainers from Ukraine and the USA took part in the online school. In particular, during the
event, the speakers were Oleksandr Pyzhov, a state expert on regulatory and legal support of the Directorate of Higher Education and Adult Education of the Ministry of Education and Science of
Ukraine, Professor from Loyola Chicago University, International Consultant on Intellectual Property and Adult Education Giulio Zanett, and Representatives of the F. Burchak Research Institute of Private Law and Entrepreneurship of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, the Sector for Coordination of Scientific Activity and Legal Education Reform of Kyiv Regional Center of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine of Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University, Yaroslav the Wise National Law University, G. Skovoroda Kharkiv Pedagogical University, National Academy of Internal Affairs, NGO "Universal Examination Network". Moderator of the event, Oleksandr Sydelnikov, National Project Manager for the Rule of Law and Human Rights of the OSCE Project Coordinator in Ukraine.
Participants of the scientific event considered the following topics: "Features of the lecture process online", "Effective use of online technologies in distance and mixed teaching: lecturing, non-invasive communication, knowledge control and academic integrity", "Best teaching practices on teacthing law and improvement of students' learning process","Organization and methodological support of students' independent work"; "Use of test method of control and preparation of students for the Unified professional entrance exam when entering the legal master's program". 

Iryna Kazanchuk and  Valentyna Yatsenko have successfully completed the school, passed the tests and received international certificates. 

The received knowledge they will implement while teaching cadets and students of KhNUIA.