The library of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs received as a gift a publication authored by the Minister of Internal Affairs Arsen Avakov. The book “2014. Moments of Kharkiv Spring”, presented to the public, is dedicated to the events that took place in Kharkiv and the Kharkiv Regional State Administration on the night of April 7-8 of the alarming 2014. The book also includes the memories of Kharkiv residents, who share their personal history of those troubling days.

This book is a living history of events: a chronicle, facts, documents, direct speech as well as the author's analysis and philosophical understanding of the processes that took place in Kharkiv and the state, thoughts about the future of Ukraine and the fate of its people.

The book will supplement the collection of publications authored by Arsen Avakov in the library fund of KhNUIA and will be used in the process of training future law enforcement officers and patriotic education of youth.