Olena Shakhova, Associate Professor of the Department of Sociology and Psychology, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Practical Psychologist, took part in an online meeting of the methodological association of practical psychologists of institutions of general secondary and out-of-school education in Moscow Region of Kharkiv. The topic of the event was “A Systematic Approach to Work on the Scientific and Methodological Problem of a Specialist from the Educational Institution Psychological Service”. She delivered the report “Scientific Research Methods”.

The event was held on the Zoom platform. The purpose of the meeting was to increase the level of competence of the specialists, who works at the psychological service of educational institutions, concerning a systematic approach to work on the scientific and methodological problem and organization in the district of quality psychological support of the educational process. Olena Shakhova’s report highlighted the main methods of empirical and theoretical research.


Department of Public Relations of KhNUIA