An online educational hour dedicated to the memory of Nikolai Nikolaienko, the fellow countryman, the Honorary Citizen of Sumy, was held for cadets of Sumy Branch of KhNUIA with the aim of national and patriotic education.

At the age of 21, he defended the state in the area of the anti-terrorist operation. Since October 15, 2014, the unit, where Nikolai Mykhailovych served, took up defensive positions in the new terminal of Donetsk airport. In the battle for Donetsk airport, the fighter suffered shrapnel wounds and died on January 15, 2015. Nikolai Nikolaienko was awarded the title "Honorary Citizen of Sumy" (posthumously) by the decision of the Sumy City Council. He was awarded Order “For Courage” of 3rd degree.

Honoring the memory of Sumy resident, the cadets got acquainted with the exploits of other Ukrainian heroes and defenders, who showed amazing strength of spirit and courage.