Representatives of the scientific and pedagogical staff of the Department of Police Activity and Public Administration of the Faculty № 3 KhNUIA took a distance course "Effective interaction of local governments with the public" through the platform of mass open online courses Prometheus.

The course covered the topics: "What is public relation?", "How to interact with the public to local communities: basic principles", "Stages of interaction with the public. Tools for interaction with the public", "Consultations with the public: features of organization and conduct. Evaluation of efficiency".

During the course, teachers learned about the technology of public consultations - how to conduct them, what are the varieties, why it is worth involving the public in consultations and how it affects decision-making. Particular attention is paid to monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of interaction with the public.

The acquired knowledge will help to increase the professional level during the teaching of academic disciplines.

According to the results of participation in the distance course, the relevant certificates were received.