The General Library of the University was visited by the staff of the Department of Legal Support of Economic Activity of the Faculty No. 6 under the leadership of Olha Hetmanets.

The working issues of providing the disciplines of the Department with educational literature were discussed during the meeting. The library informed the audience about the access to the collection of e-books of the Science Direct database (the publisher is Elsevier) and acquainted with the resources that can be used to disseminate the results of their own research.

Lecturers of the Department Andrii Denysov and Oleksiy Shumylo donated about 60 editions of legal and fiction literature to the library.

Expressing gratitude on behalf of the library staff, Director Tamara Protskykh noted the presence of several book collections in the library collection, which are formed from the gifts of scientists of the Department, and expressed hope that this tradition will be maintained in the future.