Associate Professors of the Department of Administrative Law and Procedure of the Faculty No. 1 Iryna Kazanchuk and Valentyna Yatsenko successfully passed the online course “Academic Integrity at the University”. The video training widely highlighted the basic principles of the need to adhere to the principles of academic integrity in higher educational establishments, both by teachers and directly by higher education seekers.

The first block of presentation material was presented by the coordinator of V. Kytasty American Library, National University of “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy”, and Head of the Scientific Library Svitlana Chukanova. In the format of distance learning with mandatory test control, Iryna Kazanchuk and Valentyna Yatsenko learned what key values academic integrity is based on, which includes a responsible approach to educational and scientific activities, and how to avoid plagiarism in scientific activities.

The speaker of the second block of studies was the director of the Center for Quality Assurance of Higher Education of the National University “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy”, Doctor of Philology, PhD, Professor of NaUKMA Serhii Kvit. He revealed the issues of determining the components of comprehensive university autonomy, outlining the tasks of student online surveys, the powers of the Center for Quality Assurance of Education at the university.

According to the results of participation in the online course, participants received certificates. Knowledge and skills will help to raise the professional level and will be applied in scientific activities.