For the International Holocaust Remembrance Day, the Department of Fundamental and Legal Sciences of the Faculty No. 6 held an online table on the Zoom platform. Head of the Department Yuryi Kholod, Professor Ihor Pohribnyi, Lecturers Nataliia Pistrenko, and Kseniia Hurtova were the Organizers. 75 students took part in the event. A number of reports were heard and discussed, in particular: “Preservation of historical memory”, “Tragedy of Drohobytskyi Yar”, “Kharkiv trial of Nazi soldiers in 1943”, “Demand and protect your rights”, “Holodomor of 1933: the genocide of the Ukrainian people”, “The tragic fate of the Crimean Tatar people”. Summing up, the forum moderator Yurii Kholod stressed that addressing the topic of genocide in a situation of regional conflicts, brutal violations of international law, seizure of foreign territories, and the rise of terrorist activity is extremely important.