Within the framework of advanced training in the application of modern methods of organizing and conducting the educational process in distance and mixed form, the Head of the Department of Foreign Languages, Faculty№ 1, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Olena Stativka passed a series of webinars "Facilitation tools for effective online learning activities" from Central European Foundation Academy of Studies and Certification (CEASC) in cooperation with the NGO "Association of Project Managers of Ukraine".

Facilitation is a professional organization of the process and space for the group to work together and achieve common goals. During the meetings in the format of ZOOM the following issues were considered: the difference between this type of activity and traditional work with groups; skills and competencies of the facilitator of educational activities; basic methods of facilitation and organization of effective work; the art of creating learning spaces online and the world's best practices; review of major digital platforms and adaptation of learning products and group processes to the online format. Upon completion of training a certificate was received.