Iryna Vasylko, Associate Professor of the Department of Legal Support of Economic Activity of the Faculty No. 6 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, completed the online course "Fundamentals of Health Care Reform with the Help of eHealth" through the educational studio Educational Era. She received a certificate after successfully passing the test.

That course had been prepared with the support of the European Union and its Member States: Denmark, Estonia, Germany, Poland, and Sweden.

The training module of the course acquainted the participants with the basics of health care system reform, in particular, its transition to a new funding model and a new electronic system. It explained how the e-health system is built and why it is worth joining it. And also, what is a central database, medical information systems (MIS), etc.

The following topics were examined: “Fundamentals of eHealth Reform”, “Benefits for Chief Physicians and Physicians”, “Medical Information Systems”, “Organization of Work with MIS”.

The gained knowledge will be applied within the framework of the Department of Legal Support of Economic Activity of the Faculty No. 6 training courses.