An employee of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines of the Faculty № 6 Valeriia Budnik passed advanced training, having listened online to the course "Conflict of interests: you need to know!". This course allows you to master the basic practical tools to improve the effectiveness of identifying, preventing and resolving conflicts of interest, compliance with established prohibitions and restrictions. The lecturers of the course together with the students considered the questions: "What is a conflict of interest and how to resolve it?", "What legal mechanisms prevent conflict of interest or ensure its resolution in case of occurrence?"

During the course, the following issues were discussed: conflicts of interest that may arise in the activities of judges and people's deputies of Ukraine, as well as issues of identifying, preventing and resolving conflicts of interest in the activities of local government officials and deputies of local councils, military officials formed in accordance with the laws of military formations, members of collegial bodies and officials of state, communal enterprises, institutions, organizations. The peculiarity of the course is its focus on most subjects of the Law of Ukraine "On Prevention of Corruption" (President of Ukraine, Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, Prime Minister of Ukraine, Ministers, MPs, civil servants, local government officials, military officials, officials of legal entities under public law, etc.), potential whistleblowers (persons who may report possible violations of the Law) because the course has a practical orientation. According to the results of training the corresponding certificate is received.