Experts of the European Union Advisory Mission conducted a series of webinars in English during January-February 2021 for applicants for higher education and scientific and pedagogical staff of
Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs and its separate structural units - Sumy Branch and Kremenchuk Flight College.
During the events, there were discussed the following topics: “Investigator and detective: the role and place in the police - a model of criminal investigators in Romania”, “Interpersonal communication skills for police officers interacting with citizens”, “Conflict de-escalation techniques for the police officers”.
The speakers of the webinars were experts from the EUAM Field Office in Kharkiv: Liviu Velicea, Adviser/Trainer on Community Policing, Yurii Mikhalkov, Adviser/Trainer on Community Policing,
Saer Ammar, Adviser/Trainer on Rule of Law. The experts shared their knowledge and experience, offered many practical tasks and provided meaningful answers to the questions of the audience. The participants of the events took an active part in the discussions and asked questions.
The most active participants will receive certificates from the European Union Advisory Mission.

Department of Public Relations of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs