Svitlana Cherednyk, a lecturer of the Subdivision of Philological Disciplines at Kremenchuk Flight College of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, took part in the webinar “Digital Imprint: What Our Online Behavior Says About Us” of the Vseosvita project.

The speaker of the webinar was the manager of educational activities of the stop_sexting project, child and adolescent psychologist, trainer, lecturer of Psychological Disciplines of the Private Higher Educational Institution “King Danylo University”, co-organizer of educational and psychological conferences Alina Kasilova.

The speaker provided up-to-date information on the phenomenon of digital footprint. She explained how to develop basic critical thinking skills in online space and online behavior, including personal data protection. Digital footprint is our every action on the Internet: choosing sites, buying goods, watching movies, using programs. Thanks to this, online algorithms know absolutely everything about users - from preferences to personal data that attackers use to achieve their own goals: various scams, money fraud, etc.

The acquired knowledge will be used by the lecturer during the educational process in the College.