Professor of the Department of Humanities of the Sumy Branch of KhNUIA Valentyna Vasylenko together with the leading specialist of educational and methodical work of the Sumy Centre of Primary Professional Training “Police Academy” police captain Olena Podoinik, students Yuliia Vashchenko and Maryna Haidar held an outreach career guidance meeting with senior students of the CI Sumy specialized school No. 29.

Representatives of the Sumy branch of KhNUIA showed a presentation film, provided detailed information on specialties for cadets and students, on the peculiarities of studying in higher education institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine with specific training conditions, on the timing and features of the admission campaign in 2021.

The students told future entrants about the opportunities that the student and cadet community of the university has to realize their abilities in scientific, creative, and sports activities, as well as the benefits of higher education in the Sumy branch of KhNUIA and prospects for further employment. They handed out printed career guidance materials to the graduates and invited them to visit the educational institution.


Sumy branch of KhNUIA