The Department of Ukrainian Studies of the Faculty № 2 KhNUIA held a round table "Lesia Ukrainka: fate, era, creativity." Opening the meeting, the head of the circle of the Department of Ukrainian Studies, Candidate of Philological Sciences Olena Overchuk emphasized the role of the great Ukrainian poetess, playwright, translator, scientist, public figure in Ukrainian and world culture. Teachers of the department shared their memories of their acquaintance with the work of Lesia Ukrainka.

During the round table, there are reports on unknown pages of the biography, the main activities, some aspects of the poet's work. Of particular interest, lively discussion and even discussions were aroused by scientific research of teachers and cadets about women's fate and love in the life of the writer, feminist and patriotic motives, reception of ideas and image of Lesia Ukrainka in the discourses of modern writers.