The lecturer of subdivision of aircraft maintenance, the highest category specialist Tetiana Kozlovska with the participation of the chief specialist of the department of ecological safety of the executive committee of Kremenchuk City Council of Kremenchuk District of Poltava region Larysa Mashyna held for the first-year cadets a binary lesson on the subject “Chemistry” on the topic “Oxides of non-metallic elements, their content in the atmosphere. Environmental problems of mankind”.

The cadets got acquainted with the ecological situation in Kremenchuk and Kremenchuk District, with the ways of air pollution, soils with oxides of non-metallic elements, sources of their formation, possible consequences of negative impact on the health of Kremenchuk residents and nearby settlements.

Larysa Mashyna told about industrial enterprises of the city, methods of ecological assessment of their activity, objects of the nature reserve fund in Kremenchuk, history of their creation, about problems of formation of a considerable quantity of household waste, the necessity of their sorting, about ways of increase of ecological culture of inhabitants to participate in various environmental activities.

At the end of the lesson, Larysa Mashyna answered numerous cadets’ questions about the list of chemicals that can come from enterprises to the air of Kremenchuk.

Valentyna Syvolozhska, a lecturer of the highest category of the subdivision of aircraft maintenance, also took part in the binary lesson.

Kremenchuk Flight College of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs