Olena Chernikhova, a lecturer at the Subdivision of Economics and Management, successfully studied at the Kyiv Logistics School on the preparatory course “Fundamentals of Logistics and Supply Chain Management”. The lecturer mastered the topics “Fundamentals of Logistics and Supply Chain Management”, “Demand Management and Forecasting”, “Procurement”, “Production Operations”, “Warehousing Operations”, “Transport Operations”, “Inventory Management” and “Customer Service”. During the course, Olena Chernikhova listened to lectures and considered practical cases from the country’s leading specialists in the field of logistics.

All the knowledge gained while studying at the Kyiv Logistics School will be used during the development of lecture notes on the disciplines “Environmental Logistics”, “Logistics Planning”, “Logistics Management” under the educational and professional program “Logistics”, as well as in educational and scientific activities.

Kremenchuk Flight College of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs