Students of the "Police Academy" Sumy Center for Primary Vocational Training of KhNUIA Sumy branch took part in the tactical and special exercises organized by the territorial administration of the Sumy region Judicial Protection Service on the basis of the Sumy Court of Appeals.

The exercises were attended by a hundred participants from different law enforcement agencies, in particular, the National Guard and the National Police of Ukraine territorial subdivisions. The purpose of the training was to ensure the appropriate level of the Judicial Protection Service staff professional training and their psychological readiness for quick and correct decisions in untypical conditions.

During the exercises, algorithms of actions in case of abnormal situations in the court and repulse of the attack on the court building were tested. The task of ousting the crowd from the courtroom was as close as possible to the real thing. It should be noted that the conduct of such exercises creates in their participants the necessary professional, moral, and psychological qualities that will help to perform their duties successfully and confidently.