The Minister of Internal Affairs stated this on March 2, during an interview with Dmytro Hordon, commenting on the effectiveness of photo and video recording on the roads of Ukraine.

"I believed it worked, but I didn't think it was that effective. In those areas where cameras for photo-video recording of traffic violations are installed, we record three times less deaths. That is, in 54 controlled areas - 70 deaths less, "- said Arsen Avakov.

According to him, the newly built roads will be put into operation only with controlled areas.

"I am confident that this way we will reduce mortality, this is our overriding task. We want this to become a trend - to reduce the number of deaths on the roads, "said the Interior Minister.

We will remind, the further development of system is planned in three directions - installation of even more cameras, installation of cameras on cars like "Phantom", and also use of TruCam by patrol system.

Department of Communication of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine