According to the Minister of Internal Affairs, the Aviation Security System currently has two base sites - in Nizhyn and Kaniv. The Ministry of Internal Affairs plans that a similar site will appear in the mountains in the near future.

This was stated by Arsen Avakov during an interview with Dmytro Hordon.

"Yes, Ukraine will have the third largest aviation security fleet - 75-80 helicopters, this is the French Airbus and our Mi-8. Aviation security system, the first two base sites - Nizhyn and Kaniv. This year we will receive another 26 helicopters to the ten we already have. This is a difficult task: it is necessary to prepare technicians, infrastructure, spare parts. This means that we can already count on the medical aviation system - it is a real service, it is the quality of life of our citizens. When a person breaks a leg in the mountains, a pregnant woman is cut off from medical care in a remote village, or a patient or an organ needs to be delivered urgently for an emergency transplant, medical aircraft are working, ”the Interior Minister said.

He also noted that in the event of an emergency, such as the Chernobyl fire, the equipment on the helicopters changes and "they all deal with the problem that has arisen."

Department of Communication of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine