A week of the aircraft maintenance subdivision was held at Kremenchuk Flight College of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, within the framework of which a seminar and a series of Olympiads were held for students.

Lecturers of the college Valentyna Syvolozhska and Tetiana Kozlovska organized a scientific-cognitive student seminar “Ecological and biological problems of mankind”. Subject Olympiads were organized and conducted by lecturers: Anna Drohomeretska – “Fundamentals of labor protection, life safety and ecology”, Natalia Nalotova – “Means of Refueling”, Alla Reuta – “Fuel and lubricants” and Inna Deryabina – “Life safety”. An exhibition of relevant wall murals was also organized in the college library.

Kremenchuk Flight College of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs