On the basis of the cultural and educational center of the Faculty № 2 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs there was a meeting of the deputy dean of the Faculty № 2 Serhii Hirenko and associate professor of the Department of Ukrainian Studies Olena Overchuk with future entrants - students of Lyceum "Law enforcement officer" ("Pravookhoronets").

Lyceum students got acquainted with the expositions "Shevchenko - the soul of the Ukrainian people" and "Lesya Ukrainka: destiny, epoch, creativity", where are the portraits of famous Ukrainians in different styles and techniques, showcases with exhibits on the facts of their biography, numerous coins, banknotes, postal envelopes , stamps and postcards, badges, ceramics and other products of applied art. The guests also visited the specialized auditorium named after Taras Shevchenko, which was founded in 2019 in honor of the people's favorite poet.
The design of the auditorium differs from others in the way of presentation of materials, and, above all, is focused on personality, and each exhibit is a confirmation of a deep and sincere love for Taras Shechenko.
At the end of the meeting, Deputy Dean Serhii Girenko wished the lyceum students success in the upcoming admission campaign and noted that events to honor the Great Kobzar of the Ukrainian people at the university are traditional, and the exhibition is constantly added with new interesting exhibits.