The Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines of the Faculty No. 6 organized a tour of the University for students of Kharkiv College of Transport Technologies. Senior Lecturer Nataliia Kobylko acquainted visitors with the structure of the police university, material and technical base - educational buildings, dormitories, library, stadium - told in detail about the faculties and specialties, the conditions of admission, about the preparatory department and the military department, emphasized the advantages of studying at the Faculty No. 6, the main specialties for which specialists of the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine are trained. College students also visited the University museum, where Andrii Prokhorov, Specialist of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines, acquainted them with the history of establishment and development of the police university, with the symbols of the educational institution, the main means that are used in special operations, the uniform of law enforcement officers of different periods, and the objects of crimes. It is thanks to Tetiana Khvorost that college students were in the role of forensic experts, practiced fingerprinting. At the end of the meeting, the staff of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines of the Faculty No. 6 provided visitors with booklets with a list of faculties, specialties, and necessary certificates of the independent external evaluation.