The Department of Foreign Languages of Faculty No1 held debates in English. The following topics were suggested for the discussion: "Life imprisonment is a more severe punishment than death penalty", "Punishment for violent crimes is more severe than the death penalty", "Punishment of minors and adults for crimes committed with extreme cruelty should be the same", "Prison does not help rehabilitate criminals".

The event was prepared and organized by the senior lecturer of the department Nataliia Krasnova. The debates were assessed by the judges: Head of the Department of International Cooperation Olena Ustymenko, Senior Researcher of the Department of Organization of Scientific Work Oleksandr Khan, Head of the Department of Foreign Languages Olena Stativka, and the teachers of the same department.

24 cadets of faculties NoNo 1, 2, and 4 took part in the debates. Each team consisted of 3 cadets who acted as a speaker, a deponent, and a debater. The roles of “an affirmative” or “an opposition” teams were determined by drawing lots. During three rounds of debates with strict rules and regulations, the teams defended opposing views.

The team members argued on many issues: the punishment of minors, life imprisonment, the death penalty as an irreversible punishment, and how prison changes a person's personality.

The issue of the final round of debates with the two remaining teams was "Higher education is compulsory for police officers". Team No1 consisting of the third-year cadets of faculty No 2 Yurii Reskalenko, Ruslan Chubenko, and the first-year cadet of faculty No1 Maksym Kushch continued the debates.

Team No2 consisted of the second-year cadets of faculty No1 Nikita Bielievtsov, Stanislav Klochko, and the third-year cadets of faculty No4 Illia Kazmirchuk.

At the end of the debates, the judges announced the results. Team No1 was the winner and team No2 took second place. Nikita Bielievtsov was unanimously recognized as the best speaker.

The participants of the final round were awarded Diplomas. The winners of the debates received the gifts.