A poetry hour “On the Wings of the Word” dedicated to the World Poetry Day was held at the library of Kremenchuk Flight College of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs.

In a warm and friendly atmosphere, lecturers, students, and cadets read their favorite poetry, listened to the poems of college employee Illia Bichihov and tried their hand at rhyming. The Head of Kremenchuk Union of Writers “Slavutych”, Iryna Cherednyk, was also invited to the event. She told about the history of the union, introduced to the works of the city's writers, and recited her own poems. At the end of the meeting, Iryna Cherednyk invited young people to participate in the literary competition “Poetic Spring”, and also presented the library of the college with two collections of works “Literary Kremenchuk” and “Ukraine begins with you…”


Kremenchuk Flight College of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs