The first-year cadet of Faculty No.1 KhNUIA Anastasiia Maslii, with the assistance of the Department of Criminal Procedure and Pre-Trial Investigation, conducted a vocational guidance meeting in the municipal institution "Samiilivka Lyceum of Blyzniuky Village Council of Lozova district of Kharkiv region." She spoke with senior pupils and Halyna Klymets, a director of the Lyceum.

Senior students learned that students and cadets are not only studying the chosen profession but also have the opportunity to engage in artistic amateur circles, participate in the cultural and mass events of the University and the city. Together with curators, they visit museums, theaters, exhibitions, participate in scientific student conferences, competitions, etc. Future entrants were also told about opportunities that have a student-cadet community at the University to realize their abilities in scientific, creative, and sports activities, as well as the benefits of obtaining higher education at KhNUIA and the prospects for further employment. Pupils received printed vocational guidance materials on the conditions of admission and studying at Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs.

The University's representative also visited the Lozova District Police Department of MDNP in Kharkiv region and provided vocational guidance materials for future entrants.