University representatives constantly improve their professional level. There is an opportunity to take online courses on the LEEd CEPOL educational platform now.

The educational platform LEEd CEPOL aims to improve and exchange experience between police officers of European countries; it is an online learning opportunity and the new CEPOL online training system ( Courses and webinars are held in English.

There is an opportunity to take such courses (

  1. Serious and Organized Crime;
  2. Cyber-related crime;
  3. Counter Terrorism;
  4. Fundamental Rights;
  5. Law enforcement cooperation, information exchange and interoperability;
  6. Leadership and other skills;
  7. Higher education and research;
  8. Public order and prevention;
  9. Law Enforcement Technologies, Forensics and Specific Areas;
  10. Union missions (CSDP);
  11. CEPOL Exchange Programme;
  12. Virtual Training Center on Intellectual Property Rights.

In addition, representatives of KhNUIA are scheduled to participate in the webinars in March:


  1. Webinar 64/2021: Returning unaccompanied children and fundamental rights considerations;
  2. Webinar AdHoc 10/2021: eu-LISA webinar - Interoperability components between VIS and EES