Dear fellow Chornobyl victims! Dear families of the dead liquidators!

On that day 35 years ago, the greatest man-made catastrophe in human history occurred, it was a large-scale accident at the Chornobyl nuclear power plant. This date is not a holiday for us - liquidators, internally displaced persons, all the compatriots. It is a day of the disaster, unspeakable pain, sorrow, and mourning, deep gratitude to the heroes-firefighters and all those who from the first minutes of the tragedy, without sparing their own lives and health, bravely, professionally, energetically did everything possible in terrible inhuman conditions, to prevent the spread of fire to other power units, and the raging radiation to the cities and villages of Kyiv region and far beyond Kyiv region and Ukraine.

The events of April 26, 1986, are forever etched in our memory. As the years go by, the pain does not subside and the anxiety does not leave the people associated with the tragic time of the Chornobyl disaster. Memorials and monuments have been erected in the capital of Ukraine, Kyiv and other regions and numerous cities, to honoring the great feat of the participants in the liquidation of the Chornobyl disaster.

At the initiative of the Ukrainian “Chornobyl" Association of the MIA bodies and internal troops with the support of the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Arsen Avakov, heads of the National Police of Ukraine, National Guard of Ukraine, State Border Guard Service of Ukraine, State Emergency Service of Ukraine, State Migration Service of Ukraine employees, policemen, guardsmen, frontier guards, rescuers of the system of bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the central office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, National Police, their structural units, higher education and research institutions joined the nationwide commemoration of liquidators of the Chornobyl disaster, voluntarily making a charitable contribution of daily wages. These funds, except for certain regions (due to technical reasons), are transferred to widows, families of dead liquidators, the disabled, the seriously ill people for treatment, rehabilitation, and their household needs.

Special thanks to the medical staff of the Central Hospital and the Central Polyclinic of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine and their managers and staff, as well as employees of medical rehabilitation institutions in the regions of Ukraine for impeccable daily work, care for liquidators and their families.

I wish all living colleagues, Chornobyl victims, their families and families of the dead good health, family happiness, well-being, as well as all the Ukrainian people lasting peace, stability and unity of Ukraine, a better life and confidence in their personal security, reliable protection of the territorial integrity of the state, justice and the fastest victory over the historical enemy of the Ukrainian sovereign state! Good luck to you, dear compatriots!

With deep respect and sincere gratitude,
the Head of the Ukrainian “Chornobyl" Association
of the MIA bodies and internal troops,  the Head of the Operational
Headquarters of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine on the Organization of Liquidation of
the Chornobyl Disaster Consequences (1986-1989),
Minister of Ukraine for Emergencies and in Protecting the
Population from the Chornobyl Disaster Consequences (1999–2002),
General of the Internal Service of Ukraine              Vasyl DURDYNETS