Future cadets will get a bachelor's degree in accounting and taxation. Applicants should apply to the sectors of organization of selection and certification of police officers of the human resources department of the Main Directorate of the National Police of Ukraine in the regions (https://osvita.np.gov.ua/index.php?r=site%2Fcontacts).

Since 2021 cadets’ selection for specialty 071 "Accounting and Taxation" with a bachelor's degree in accounting and taxation has been introduced at Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs.

Selection is carried out by the state order, the form is full-time training, cadets. The University cadets are on special military records and are not liable for urgent conscription into the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

The cadets of KhNUIA are provided with a free dormitory, food, uniforms, and financial support, training base, and access to the necessary information resources at the expense of the state budget. Having received a bachelor educational qualification degree, there is an opportunity to continue studying for a master's degree.

At the end of the training, the graduates may be promoted to senior positions in finance, accounting, and auditing units of the National Police, and other structural units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the areas related to finance, accounting and auditing.

Anyone who wants to get this education should contact the sectors of organization of selection and certification of police officers of the human resources department of the Main Directorate of the National Police of Ukraine in the regions (https://osvita.np.gov.ua/index.php?r=site%2Fcontacts).

When filling out the forms you must choose: Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs - specialty 071 Accounting and Taxation.

Applicants must take an exam in physical training as well as IEE:

  1. Ukrainian and Literature (mandatory);
  2. Mathematics (mandatory);
  3. History of Ukraine, Foreign language, Biology, Geography, Physics, Chemistry (one of the list specified in item 3) at the choice of the entrant.

You can contact the Admissions Committee of KhNUIA by phone: (057) 739-8-300, (057) 739-8-310, (097) 680-13-53; e-mail: ask_univd@ukr.net