Nataliia Koversun, Lecturer of the Department of Philological Disciplines of Kremenchuk Flight College of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs with the participation of Valerii Holub, Kremenchuk Writer, Journalist, Member of the Slavutych Literary Association, Oriana Literary and Artistic Association, and Tsvit Kalyny Poetic Club, conducted a binary lesson for the second-year students on the subject Ukrainian Literature on the topic Literature of the Native Land on the Zoom platform.

The purpose of the lessons of literary local history is to understand the deep essence of the native artists’ heritage, the spirit of compatriots, modern realities, perception of their artistic heritage, nurturing a sense of pride for creative people, glorious locals.

Students got acquainted with the life of the writer-countryman, his activity, which involves great love for his native land. Valerii Holub’s works inspire optimism and faith in beauty.

At the end of the class, Valerii Hryhorovych answered numerous questions from students and noted: “We are Ukrainians! Let's protect our native land, the Ukrainian language, high national dignity! Because there is no better land than Ukraine, and our holiest love is to it».