The School of Scientific Leadership, Faculty № 1 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs has been actively working for eight months. During this time, the participants, including first- and second-year cadets, faculty № 1, took part in 158 webinars, 51 courses, 44 scientific and practical conferences and sent essays, posters, videos to 61 national and international competitions.

Despite the quarantine restrictions, school participants visited a large number of online events that have been related to the study of foreign languages - webinars: "English for work and life", "Youth Speak Forum", "Questions and answers about writing a Master's thesis; activism, professional activity - webinars: "Increasing the level of awareness of countering trafficking in human beings", "Honesty and ethical behavior of police officers", "The Inquirer and investigatorrole and place in the police - Romanian Criminal Investigator model», "Interrogation of minors in criminal proceedings","De-escalation Techniques for Police", a course "Online tools to counter domestic violence", an online course "For civil servants about civil service"; self-development - a webinar "How to build an own leadership program?"; financial competence - a marathon "Financial Culture - Way to Financial Safety of a Woman", an online course on financial literacy from #KYC Development; actual problems of law - an online marathon from the Association of Law Faculty Graduates of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, a cycle of online lectures from the Ukrainian Bar Association "FRIDAY LEGAL TALKS"; psychology - a webinar "Life Balance: myths, reality, ways of achievement", an online lecture "New reality: skills of adaptation to change"; international interaction and cooperation - webinars: "International Police Cooperation. Europol"," International Judicial Cooperation ", a course "European Mechanism for the Protection of Human Rights"; feminism - a webinar "Women. Peace. Security", an online lecture "How women fought for their rights and where they are now", an online discussion "Leader is about me: how women with disabilities protect human rights"; gender equality - a course "I know gender"; ecology - an youth online exchange on the topic of ecology, a webinar "How much does garbage cost me?"; political culture - an online course "European foreign policy: simply about the difficult", an online lecture "The path of youth to politics", a webinar "Start in politics" and many other events.