Senior Lecturer of the Department of Foreign Languages of the Faculty № 1 Nataliia Krasnova and Lecturer of the same Department Hanna Babak prepared and conducted a country quiz "Do you know the countries which languages you study?".

The event was attended by cadets and first-year students, faculties №№1-4 and № 6. Each of the five teams included three representatives of the faculty. The quiz was held in two stages: the first - the competition of captains, the second - the competition of teams.

Participants tested their skills in various tasks related to history, geography, the culture of English-speaking countries and showed symbols importance awareness of English-speaking countries, modern traditions, and customs.

During the competition, participants worked creatively, with interest, demonstrated personal activity and the ability to work as a team and make joint decisions. The members of the jury defined the broad outlook of the participants of some teams, a good level of English language proficiency, and strong knowledge of related disciplines.

According to the results of the general assessment, the first place was taken by the faculty team № 4, the second place - by the faculty team № 1, and the third place - by the faculty team № 3.