Webinar on topical issues of family and marital relations
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The School of Scientific Leadership of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs held the sixth webinar in cooperation with the Left Bank Kyiv Center on providing free secondary legal assistance. The theme of the event is "Love is eternal, but it doesn't hurt to know the legal details of marriage".

Binary lesson on the academic discipline "Economic Law"
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Representatives of the Department of Legal Support of Entrepreneurial Activity and Financial Security of the Faculty No. 6 of KhNUIA - Professors Iryna Siadrysta and Alina Chorna, together with the Chairman of the Economic Court of Kharkiv Region Vitalii Usatyi, conducted a binary lesson on the topic "Bankruptcy of Business Entities" for 4th year students who study "Law".

Participation in a webinar on prioritizing cyber risks and their elimination
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Zakhar Demydov, a Senior Researcher at the Research Laboratory on Problems of Information Technology and Combating Crime in Cyberspace of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, took part in the webinar "Finding True Cyber ​​Risk Priority: Atalk on risk prioritization & remediation".

Binary lesson on conflict studies
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As part of the study of the academic discipline "Conflictology", a binary class was held on the topic "Prevention, regulation and resolution of conflicts", which was conducted by the senior inspector of the domestic violence countermeasures department of the prevention department of Kherson district police department of the MDNP of Ukraine in Kherson region, senior police lieutenant Danylo Zinchenko.

Applicants for higher education of KhNUIA were introduced to the possibilities of the educational and scientific portal of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
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For first year applicants for higher education of the Faculties No. 1-4, Sumy branch and Kremenchuk Flight College of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, a class was held to familiarize them with the features of work and functionality of the information and communication system "Educational and Scientific Portal of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine".

Binary session with a cyber security expert
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In order to improve the quality of practical training of higher education students, Professor of the Department of Cyber ​​Security and DATA Technologies of the Faculty No. 6 of KhNUIA Oleksandr Mozhaiev and Associate Professor of the same department, Volodymyr Tulupov, together with the specialist in cyber and information security of the FREEDEX company, Oleksii Gorai, conducted a binary class for students of the 3rd year on disciplines "Digital signal processing".

Representatives of KhNUIA took part in the program to improve the qualifications of court employees
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As part of the cooperation of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs with the National School of Judges of Ukraine, employees of the Department of Countering Cybercrime of the Faculty No. 4, Oleksandr Manzhai and Vitalii Nosov, took part in the program to improve the qualifications of employees of local and appellate courts. 229 court employees from all regions of Ukraine took part in the event.

Curator's hour for Law Week
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As part of the "Law Week" project, Associate Professor of the Department of Humanities of Sumy branch of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, Tetiana Bilous, held an online curatorial hour on the topic "Civil rights and freedoms in the modern world" with applicants for higher education.

Working meeting on strengthening the practical component in the educational process
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Under the chairmanship of the Dean of Faculty No. 1 of KhNUIA, Police Colonel Oleksandr Muzychuk, with the participation of Deputy Dean Vladyslav Neviadovskyi, a working scientific and methodological meeting of the Dean's Office and specialized departments of Faculty No. 1 was held on the issues of strengthening the practical component in the educational process and methodical provision of a new educational discipline for fourth-year cadets "Actions investigative and operative groups of the National Police for documenting war crimes".

Participation in a webinar on understanding and managing cyber risks
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Zakhar Demydov, a Senior Researcher at the Research Laboratory on Problems of Information Technologies and Combating Crime in Cyberspace of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, took part in the webinar "Understanding and Managing Cyber ​​and Privacy Risk in an Increasingly Risky World".