Scientific cooperation of KhNUIA and State Design Office “Yuzhnoye”
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Representatives of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs – first Vice-Rector Dmytro Shvets, Vice-Rector Mykhailo Burdin and Advisor to the Rector on gender issues Oksana Tsukan visited State Design Office “Yuzhnoye”. During visit issues of joint development of scientific and innovational potential were discussed.

Volunteer help of a student of KhNUIA
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Anna Putiatina, a student at Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, provided donor assistance and donated blood components free of charge to the Department of Traumatology of Sytenko Institute of Spine and Joint Pathology National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine.

University cadet took part in the event on military and patriotic education of youth in Kharkiv Secondary School № 114
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Dariia Balash, a representative of the Faculty № 3 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, was invited by the management of Kharkiv Secondary School № 114, where she studied, to take part in an event dedicated to the military and patriotic education of youth.

Participation in the Fourth Kharkiv Security Forum
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Participants of the School of Scientific Leadership 3rd year cadets of the Faculty № 1 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs Mykyta Bielievtsov and Oleh Obernikhin took part in the Fourth Kharkiv Security Forum, organized by Kharkiv office of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation and “Maidan Monitorynh” Information Center.

Career guidance online meeting of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines
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As part of career guidance work, Associate Professor of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines of the Faculty № 6 Nataliia Kobylko held an online meeting with graduates of Kyrykivka Secondary School of Kyrykivka village council, Okhtyrka district of Sumy region. Oksana Kuzmenko, a teacher of Ukrainian language and literature, helped organize a meeting with her students.

Join the telegram channel “Osvita MVS”!
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To strengthen the information presence of each higher education institution of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the media space, as well as to facilitate the prompt informing of staff about the most current events, achievements and problems of departmental education and science. The Department of Personnel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs has introduced a joint information resource “Osvita MVS” in the Telegram network.

Cadets of KhNUIA – winners and prizewinners of the All-Ukrainian judo tournament in the honour of H.V. Malynka
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Cadets of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs became the winners and prizewinners of the All-Ukrainian Judo Tournament in the honour of H.V. Malynka, which took place on December 14-15, 2021 in Kharkiv. 206 athletes from nine regions of Ukraine took part in the competition.

Curatorial hour with students
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Associate Professor of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Sciences of the Faculty № 6 Candidate of Philological Sciences Nataliia Kobylko conducted a curatorial hour with first-year students.

Practical training of cadets
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Volodymyr Yevtushok, Police Lieutenant Colonel, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Tactical and Special Physical Training of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs and Commander of Special Police Troop “SKHID” Serhii Bohdanovskyi on the base of special purpose “SKHID” MDNP of Ukraine in Kharkiv region organized and conducted with cadets of the 1st year of the Faculty № 3 instructional and methodical classes.

Meeting of future applicants with the leadership of the university
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An online meeting of the leadership of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs "Features of admission and training at Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs in 2022" with future graduates of secondary education institutions and educational institutions of I-II levels of accreditation in Kharkiv, Kharkiv, Poltava, Dnipropetrovsk, Zaporizhzhia, Zhytomyr and Cherkasy regions was held.