Ivan Kotliarov, Member of the School of Scientific Leadership, 2nd year cadet of the Faculty No. 1 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, took part in the international leadership program for participants from Ukraine, Moldova, Belarus from the public organization "Ukrainian Students for Freedom". The leadership program took place on the shore of the Kyiv Reservoir in the format of a festival.
The aim of the project was to promote the active civic participation of young people, popularization and implementation of the principles of a free society in Ukraine and the world. The participants took part in lectures and workshops during the day, and they had the opportunity to join musical performances, film screenings and conversations with like-minded people by the fire in the evening.
Lectures were held every day, after which the participants drew conclusions about the received information, attended events in the format of reflections. The participants also worked in teams on future joint projects and performed different tasks, improving their leadership skills. Ivan Kotliarov received a certificate after
completion of the course "Freedom 101".