A memorandum of cooperation was signed between the School of Scientific Leadership of the Faculty №1 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs and the public organization “Healthy Nation” Movement””. The document was signed by the chairman of the board of the public organization Svitlana Voznesenska and the acting Dean of the Faculty № 1 Vladyslav Neviadovskyi.

The main purpose of the memorandum is cooperation in the implementation of joint projects and activities in the field of drug prevention among youth. It includes: training of students of the faculty as coaches in the field of drug prevention, conducting of joint trainings, lectures, competitions, round tables, championships, seminars, conferences, forums, festivals, master classes, including online for students of the faculty, development of printed , audiovisual and graphic materials, work on scientific experiments and innovative projects, etc.

During her speech to the participants of the School of Scientific Leadership, Svitlana Voznesenska presented the activities of the organization, one of the leading areas of which is the training of police officers and volunteers to conduct anti-drug lectures for youth. Within the framework of the anti-drug education program of the PO “Healthy Nation” Movement”” 20 thousand children were covered, 50 thousand anti-drug brochures were distributed.

The event was also attended by the Public Relations Director of MiaTis Group, lecturer of anti-drug education, curator of the project "The future of Ukraine's children is free of drugs" Maryna Komissarova. She spoke about the measures taken in the Kharkiv region to prevent drug addiction among youth and invited the staff of the School of Scientific Leadership to participate in future joint projects.

Deputy Dean of the Faculty №1 Vladyslav Neviadovskyi noted that the cadets of the faculty are regular participants in new social initiatives and expressed confidence that members of the School of Scientific Leadership will successfully master the art of coaching in the field of drug prevention and help save children's lives.

Department of Public Relations of KhNUIA