The Deputy Dean of the Faculty №1 of educational-methodical work, Candidate of Law, Associate Professor Vladyslav Neviadovskyi presented his monograph to the scientific library of the university: Neviadovskyi V.O. Administrative and legal principles of quality control of higher education in Ukraine: monograph. Kharkiv: Fakt, 2020. 368 p.

The monograph is devoted to the definition of the concept and features of higher education as an object of control; the essence and content of control as a way to ensure legality in the activities of higher education institutions are clarified; the system of principles of control over the quality of higher education in Ukraine is outlined; the legal bases of control over the quality of higher education in Ukraine are characterized and the place of administrative and legal regulation among them is established; the tasks and functions of quality control of higher education in Ukraine are generalized; the subject and limits of quality control of higher education in Ukraine are established; administrative forms and methods of quality control of higher education in Ukraine are systematized, the ways to improve the organizational framework for quality control of higher education in Ukraine are clarified.

The monograph will be useful for scientific, scientific-academical and practical workers in the field of education, as well as students, graduate students and doctoral students of higher education.

The library invites the university community to read the publication.

Department of Public Relations of KhNUIA