Marina Dzhafarova, Associate Professor of the Department of Administrative Law and Procedure of the Faculty № 1, conducted a binary lesson for second-year cadets of the Faculty № 2 in the discipline "Administrative Law" with the participation of the investigator of the inquiry sector of the police department № 2 of the Svativskyi district police department of the MDNP in the Luhansk region, police lieutenant Yevhenii Reznikov.

The practitioner told the cadets about the procedural features of the pre-trial investigation in the form of inquiry, highlighted the powers of investigators, the nuances of qualification and investigation, and told about the organization of interaction of investigators with police and other law enforcement agencies during investigative (search) actions. Evhenii Reznikov also noted that the profession requires not only theoretical and practical knowledge, but also a creative approach to their activities, non-standard solution of certain tasks, personal and business qualities of a police officer. The practitioner emphasized the atypical form of communication with a specific category of citizens - drug addicts and previously convicted, as well as the importance of perfect knowledge of current legislation, because possession of the legal framework is the key to successful law enforcement.

The discussion was lively, higher education students asked a lot of questions. Evhenii Reznikov gave an answer to each of them and gave examples from his own practical experience. The binary lesson was extremely interesting and useful for future law enforcement officers.

Department of Public Relations of KhNUIA