Cadets of the 1st and 2nd courses of Faculty No. 1 Oleksandr Katrenko, Kirill Tyshchenko and Yuliia Shelest, who are participants of the School of Scientific Leadership, together with the NGO "Union of Search Units of Ukraine" took part in archaeological excavations on the territory of Balakliiskyi district of Kharkiv region.

The aim of this work is to educate young people to respect for fallen defenders during The Second World War and identification of fallen soldiers, who are still considered missing for their relatives, with the aim of their further burial in mass graves or returning the remains to their relatives.

During the search, the remains of two unknown fighters were found, almost completely destroyed by large fragments. Two magazines of PPS, a compass, belts, plaques, buttons made of clothes, a pen with a golden pen, a comb, a den, as well as a mouthpiece made of mortal medallion were found from the personal belongings of the fighters, which, unfortunately, turned out to be empty.

This is the fifth unknown soldier found with the participation of cadets and the 20th on a small patch of field. Each of them was drafted into the army more than 2,000 km from the place of death.

PR Department of KhNUIA