Associate Professor of Criminal Law and Criminology of the Faculty No. 1 Kyrylo Cherevko visited the State Gymnasium-Boarding School with Enhanced Military and Physical Training “Cadet Corps”. Associate Professor gave a legal lecture for cadets of senior classes on the topic “Rights of children in the modern world” as a part of the joint plan of conduction of legal and legal and educative work of KhNUIA and the State Gymnasium-Boarding School for 2020-2021 academic year and on the occasion of the 72nd anniversary of the signing of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The university representative focused on the evolution of children's rights in the context of human and civil rights. After the lecture, Kyrylo Cherevko showed the audience an informative video about Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs and told about the profession of a police officer and the peculiarities of training in higher educational establishments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine with specific training conditions. Associate Professor of the Department provided detailed information about the faculties of KhNUIA and specialties for which cadets are trained, the time frame of the admission campaign in 2021 and a list of necessary documents for admission to the university.

Kyrylo Cherevko answered the cadets' questions, provided information materials and invited the cadets to visit the Open Day at KhNUIA. Boys and girls showed interest in studying at the university and further career in the National Police Units.