On the occasion of the memorable date, August 29, for the first-year cadets of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, who are undergoing combat training, a screening of the feature film "Ilovaisk 2014. Donbass Battalion" was organized.
In August 2014, fighting broke out near the city of Ilovaisk from August 6 to 29, which went down in history as the Ilovaisk Boiler. Ilovaisk 2014 is a feature film about one of the most tragic pages in the modern history of Ukraine: the operation to liberate Ilovaisk. At that time, about 400 Ukrainian soldiers who were leaving the encirclement with the so-called "green corridor" were shot.
The screenwriter of the film, journalist and literary critic Mykhailo Brynykh, spent two years collecting stories, testimonies from participants, information from the media and official sources, in order to recreate the atmosphere of those events as truthfully as possible.